
Vitenskapelige artikler, bokkapitler og bøker:


Dahl, Kari Elisabeth & Halvari, Anne Elisabeth M. (2019). Folkehelse- en tverrfaglig grunnbok. Kapittel om oral helse i folkehelsearbeidet-sett i et tannpleierperspektiv. Oplandske Bokforlag.  ISBN 978-82-7518-232-4.  240 s.


Halvari, Anne Elisabeth M.; Halvari, Halgeir & Deci, Edward (2019). Dental anxiety, oral health‐related quality of life, and general well‐being: A self‐determination theory perspective. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.  ISSN 0021-9029.  49(5), s 295- 306 . doi: 10.1111/jasp.12583


Halvari, Anne; Halvari, Halgeir; Deci, Edward & Williams, Geoffrey C. (2019). Autonomy-supportive dental treatment, oral health-related eudaimonic well-being and oral health: a randomized clinical trial. Psychology and Health.  ISSN 0887-0446. . doi: 10.1080/08870446.2019.1613546


Halvari, Anne Elisabeth M.; Halvari, Hallgeir & Deci, Edward (2017). Attending and avoiding dental appointments: Do “bright” and “dark” motivational paths have a role?. International Journal of Dental Hygiene.  ISSN 1601-5029.  16(2), s 286- 297 . doi: 10.1111/idh.12274


Halvari, Anne Elisabeth M.; Halvari, Hallgeir; Williams, Geoffrey C. & Deci, Edward (2017). Predicting Dental Attendance from Dental Hygienists’ Autonomy Support and Patients’ Autonomous Motivation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Psychology and Health.  ISSN 0887-0446.  32(2), s 127- 144 . doi: 10.1080/08870446.2016.1244536


Halvari, Anne Elisabeth M.; Halvari, Hallgeir; Bjørnebekk, Gunnar & Deci, Edward L. (2013). Oral health and dental well-being: testing a self-determination theory model. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.  ISSN 0021-9029.  43(2), s 275- 292 . doi: 10.1111/j.1559-1816.2012.00996.x


Halvari, Anne Elisabeth M.; Halvari, Hallgeir; Bjørnebekk, Gunnar & Deci, Edward L. (2012). Motivation for Dental Home Care: Testing a Self-Determination Theory Model. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.  ISSN 0021-9029.  42(1), s 1- 39 . doi: 10.1111/j.1559-1816.2011.00867.x


Halvari, Anne Elisabeth M.; Halvari, Hallgeir; Bjørnebekk, Gunnar & Deci, Edward L. (2012). Self-Determined Motivational Predictors of Increases in Dental Behaviors, Decreases in Dental Plaque, and Improvement in Oral Health: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Health Psychology.  ISSN 0278-6133.  31(6), s 777- 788 . doi: 10.1037/a0027062


Halvari, Anne Elisabeth M.; Halvari, Hallgeir; Bjørnebekk, Gunnar & Deci, Edward L. (2010). Motivation and anxiety for dental treatment: Testing a self-determination theory model of oral self-care behaviour and dental clinic attendance. Motivation and Emotion.  ISSN 0146-7239.  34(1), s 15- 33 . doi: 10.1007/s11031-010-9154-0


Halvari, Anne Elisabeth M. & Halvari, Hallgeir (2006). Motivational predictors of change in oral health: An experimental test of self-determination theory. Motivation and Emotion.  ISSN 0146-7239.  30, s 295- 306

Publisert 26. feb. 2020 10:44 - Sist endret 26. feb. 2020 16:08