Library / Scientific presentation


  • Introduce to the participants how to use the library, and inform them about the regulations and services
  • Enable the participants to search for literature through the services of the library
  • Enable the participants to search for literature through the main medical data bases
  • Advice the participants about the content and structure of a scientific manuscript, and the publishing process


Visit the facilities of the library; familiarize the participants with the content of the library’s home page; the search for text-books and journals in the catalogue BIBSYS with emphasis on how to find and use electronic full-text journals; introduction to search for literature in the data bases MEDLINE and Cochrane.
MEDLINE is accessed through PubMed, which is free of charge and available on Internet. Search through Cochrane is additionally made in order to identify clinically relevant information which has been scrutinized in a quality-assessment process.


The duration of the course is 10 hours over 4 days. Activities consist of lectures, demonstrations and computer-based exercises.

Publisert 29. sep. 2010 16:13 - Sist endret 26. nov. 2010 10:57